NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Civics Chapter 8 A Shirt in the Market contains answers to the exercise questions given in the “Social and Political Life -II”. All the answers provided here are accurate and simple that will help you understand the concepts easily and continue your studies without a doubt. These solutions will also help you to score higher marks with the help of well-illustrated answers. All the questions and answers are provided here in PDF format.
Class 7 Civics Chapter 8 A Shirt in the Market Questions and Answers
Question 1: What made Swapna sell the cotton to the trader instead of selling at the Kurnool cotton market?
Answer: Swapna had borrowed ₹ 2500 at high interest from the local trader. The amount was borrowed in order to buy seeds, fertilisers and pesticides for cultivation. The other condition which Swapna had to agree to was that she would sell all her cotton to him instead.
Question 2: Describe the conditions of employment as well as the wages of workers in the garment exporting factory. Do you think the workers get a fair deal?
Answer: The conditions of employment in the garment exporting factory are as follows:
- Workers are made to work for long hours.
- They are employed on a temporary basis, i.e. if they are not needed, they would be asked to leave.
The conditions of wages:
- It is not regular.
- It is very low.
No, the workers do not get a fair deal because they are made to work very hard; however, they are not appreciated for it.
Question 3: Think of something common that we use. It could be sugar, tea, milk, pen, paper, pencil, etc. Discuss through what chain of markets this reaches you. Can you think of the people that help in the production or trade?
Answer: Here I am taking the example of milk. It reaches us through a long chain of markets as discussed below:
(i) People in villages keep cows or buffaloes and sell their nearby milk to the dairy farms or cooperatives.
(ii) The milk is then transported to the cooperative processing unit for processing and packaging the same.
(iv) The packed milk is sold to the retailers who in turn sell it to the consumers.
All the people right from the farmer to the retailer help in the production or trade of milk.
Question 4: Arrange the statements given alongside in the correct order and then fill in the numbers in the cotton bolls accordingly. The first two have already been done for you.
1. Swapna sells the cotton to the trader.
2. Customers buy these shirts in a super market.
3. Trader sells cotton to the Ginning Mill.
4. Garment exporters buy the cloth from merchants for making shirts.
5. Yarn dealers or merchants give the yarn to the weavers.
6. The exporter sells shirts to the business person from the U.S.A.
7.Spinning mill buys the cotton and sells yarn to the yarn dealers.
8. Weavers return with the cloth.
9. Ginning mill cleans the cotton and makes it into bales.

1. Swapna sells the cotton to the trader.
3. Trader sells cotton to the Ginning Mill.
9. Ginning mill cleans the cotton and makes it into bales.
7. Spinning mill buys the cotton and sells yarn to the yarn dealers.
5. Yarn dealers or merchants give the yarn to the weavers.
8. Weavers return with the cloth.
4. Garment exporters buy the cloth from merchants for making shirts.
6. The exporter sells shirts to the business person from the U.S.A.
2. Customers buy these shirts in a super market.