NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 3 The Shepherd’s Treasure

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 3 The Shepherd’s Treasure is given here. The Shepherd’s Treasure is a part of Class 6 English Supplementary Reader. These Solutions covers answers for all the questions given in the chapter. These solutions will help students to prepare well and face the English exam with full confidence. 

Class 6 English The Shepherd’s Treasure Questions and Answers

Question 1. The shepherd hadn’t been to school because
(i) he was very poor.
(ii) there were very few schools in those days.
(iii) he wasn’t interested in studies.
Choose the right answer.

Answer: (ii) There were very few schools in those days.

Question 2. Who visited the shepherd one day and why?

Answer: The king of Iran had come to visit the wise shepherd when he heard about his wisdom and friendly nature. The king disguised himself as a shepherd and riding on a mule, he came to visit the humble shepherd.

Question 3. Why did the other governors grow jealous of the shepherd?

Answer: The common shepherd was appointed the governor of a small district. He was loved and honoured by the people. His fame spread far and wide. So the governors of other provinces grew jealous of him.

Question 4. Why was the new governor called to the palace?

Answer: The other governors grew jealous of the shepherd and began talking to the king against him. They said that he was very dishonest, and kept for himself part of the money that he collected as tax. They added that perhaps the iron chest that he carried with him contained the treasure he had secretly collected. At first, the king did not pay attention to these reports, but finally, he called the governor to his palace to find if these reports were true.

Question 5. Why was everyone delighted to see the iron chest on the camel’s back?

Answer: Those who were present believed that the chest contained valuables. They thought that it contained the money which rightly belonged to the king. In that case, it could be the proof of the new governor’s dishonesty. So being jealous of the new governor, they were all happy to see the chest.

Question 6. (i) What did the iron chest contain?
(ii)Why did the shepherd always carry it?
(iii)Is it an example of the shepherd’s humility or wisdom or both?

Answer 6: (i) The iron chest contained only an old blanket.

(ii) The shepherd always carried an old blanket in an iron chest because it was his oldest friend. He said that it will still protect him if any day the king takes away his position and power.

(iii) Yes, it is an example of the shepherd’s humility as well as wisdom.

Question 7. How did the king reward the new governor?

Answer: The king was highly pleased by the new governor’s humbleness, honesty and wisdom. He rewarded him by making him the governor of a much bigger district the same day.

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