NCERT Solutions For Class 7 Civics Chapter 7 Markets Around Us

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Civics Chapter 7 Markets Around Us contains answers to the exercise questions given in the “Social and Political Life -II”. All the answers provided here are accurate and simple that will help you understand the concepts easily and continue your studies without a doubt. These solutions will also help you to score higher marks with the help of well-illustrated answers.

Class 7 Civics Chapter 7 Markets Around Us Questions and Answers

Question 1: In what ways is a hawker different from a shop owner?


HawkerShop owner
A hawker works in a weekly market and does not have a permanent shop.A has a permanent shop in established shopping complexes or malls.
Hawkers sell non-branded items such as fruits, vegetables, etc.A shop owner sells branded as well as non-branded items.
Since the shops are not permanent, they do not pay electricity bills, wages to workers, etc.They incur more expenses for bills and wages.
They sell products at cheaper rates.They sell products at costlier rates.
They are more widespread and popular among masses.They are less popular among masses.
Weekly markets have a large number of shops selling the same goods which means there is competition among the hawkers.The competition among shop owners is relatively less.  

Question 2: Compare and contrast a weekly market and a shopping complex on the following:

MarketKind of goods soldPrices of goodsSellersBuyers
Weekly market    
Shopping complex    


MarketKind of goods soldPrices of goodsSellersBuyers
Weekly marketDifferent items of everyday use such as vegetables, groceries, cloth, items, utensils, etc.Prices of goods are not that high. It can be easily affordedSmall traders and hawkersPeople belonging to the lower-middle-income group
Shopping complexBranded items such as readymade clothes, home appliances, footwear, leather items, etc. In some complexes, there are even food items available for immediate consumptionPrices of goods are usually high. Only those who have a high income can buy themBig businesses and tradersPeople belonging to the upper-middle class and above.

Question 3: Explain how a chain of markets is formed. What purpose does it serve?

Answer: A chain of markets is formed when a number of traders supply goods from the producers to the consumers. We thus have wholesale markets where other dealers buy the goods in bulk. These dealers then sell the goods in weekly markets to consumers and thus a chain of markets is formed. The chain serves the purpose of bringing the goods from the producers, who live in far off areas, to consumers in towns and cities.

Question 4: ‘All persons have equal rights to visit any shop in a marketplace.’ Do you think this is true of shops with expensive products? Explain with examples.

Answer: Yes, it is applied to all the shops with expensive products. The shopkeepers are obligated to show the items to all people of any income group. It is all up to the consumers whether they want to buy the products or not. For example, people of different classes go to the malls, check different items at different shops but it is not necessary that all of them can afford those items. Rather, people who belong to low-income group prefer to buy the desired goods from local markets.

Question 5:’Buying and selling can take place without going to a marketplace.’ Explain this statement with the help of examples.

Answer: ‘Buying and selling can take place without going to the market place.’ This is made possible by the use of plastic money. People can shop online and can pay using their credit cards. The goods are then delivered to their doorstep.

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