NCERT Solutions For Class 9 English Moments Chapter 3 Ishwaran the Storyteller

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 English Moments Chapter 3 Ishwaran the Storyteller free PDF is given here. These Solutions contains answers to all questions provided in the textbook. Class 9th English Moments Chapter 3 solutions are explained by the expert English teacher and as per NCERT (CBSE) guidelines.

Think About It

Question 1: In what way is Iswaran an asset to Mahendra?

Answer: Iswaran was a good domestic assistant for Mahendra. Apart from cooking and doing household chores, he was a great entertainer for his master. He was good at managing resources as he could find vegetables out of nowhere also never had complained while accompanying his master. 

Question 2: How does Iswaran describe the uprooted tree on the highway? What effect does he want to create in his listeners?

Answer: Iswaran describes the uprooted tree with dramatic effects. He raises his hands and eyebrows. He builds up suspense by his description. Then he says that he saw something huge like a bushy beast. It lay spreading across the road. It affects his listeners emotionally. They are easily Affected.

Question 3: How does he narrate the story of the tusker? Does it appear to be plausible?

Answer: Iswaran narrated the story of the tusker exaggeratedly. The Tusker, having escaped from the timber yard, stamped on bushes, tore up wild creepers and broke the branches at his will. The elephant became uncontrollable and entered the school ground. It created chaos there. Everyone in the school tried to escape. No one dared to face the tusker. In the meantime, Iswaran grabbed a cane from a teacher and moved towards the elephant. He hit its third toenail and the beast collapsed. He claimed that he had used the Japanese art to control the tusker. But this story seems totally implausible as it is very difficult to believe that a child can control a mad elephant.

This story does not appear to be plausible.

Question 4: Why does the author say that Iswaran seemed to more than make up for the absence of a TV in Mahendra’s living quarters?

Answer: The author says so because Iswaran was a great entertainer for Mahendra. He would chat with him at night and tell him countless stories packed with adventure, horror and suspense. Mahendra enjoyed listening to all his stories. Thus, Mahendra never felt bored and never felt the need of having a TV for entertainment.

Question 5: Mahendra calls ghosts or spirits a figment of the imagination. What happens to him on a full-moon night?

Answer: Mahendra calls ghosts or spirits a figment of the imagination because Iswaran informed him that they were living on a burial site and kept narrating to him stories of various ghosts he himself had encountered.

On one full moon night, Mahendra was woken up from his sleep by a low moan close to his window. At first, he thought that it was a cat prowling around for mice. But the sound was too deep and guttural for a cat. He resisted looking outside as he did not want to witness a sight that might stop his heartbeat. But the crying became louder and less subtle. He could not resist the temptation any more. Lowering himself to the level of the windowsill he looked out at the white sheet of moonlight outside. There, not too far away, was a dark cloudy form clutching a bundle. He broke into a cold sweat and fell back on the pillow, panting.

Question 6: Can you think of some other ending for the story?

Answer: This story ends with Mahendra resigning from his post and leaving the haunted place. However, the story could have ended on a positive note. The ghost theory should have been proved wrong by calling it merely an image formed in the subconscious mind of Mahendra. Since Iswaran kept narrating to him stories of various ghosts, he started fancying the things. Otherwise, there are no such things as ghosts.

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